Digital Printing
HP Indigo Digital Press
J.A.Wales Printers realised the impact of digital printing and in the 90’s began with the one of the first commercial production Xerox colour machines.
Today, we are still at the forefront with a HP Indigo machine producing digital printing which cannot be distinguished from high quality offset printing. We are still with Xerox and their latest production machine but have also added two high volume black and white production machines for training/educational binders etc.
Advantages of Digital
If you need it fast, digital offers the quickest delivery, measured in hours.
Delivers a finished product that looks and feels like offset printing
Using information from a database or external file, text and graphics can
be changed on each printed piece without stopping or slowing the machine.
Page Inexpensive:
Digital printing provides lower per unit costs for short print runs, in the
range of 1-2000 copies, depending on the finished size.
Range from business cards to saddle-stitched or perfect bound books, complete
with heavier weight covers for a professional finish.
Ideal Opportunity:
Digital is the ideal opportunity to showcase and test a printed piece before going into full offset production.

Paper stock can be Coated or Uncoated in a vast range of brands
Maximum paper size 320 x 475mm
Weight of Stock, minimum 90gsm – 400gsm